XXI Congreso Nacional de Mastología

Mérida 2024 2 al 5 de octubre


congreso 2024

Stamatia Destounis MD

Radiology residency

University of Rochester School of Medicine & Dentistry. 

She joined the Elizabeth Wende Breast Clinic, completing a Breast imaging fellowship of one year in 1993, and then joined EWBC as faculty.

Dr. Destounis is the Chair of The American College of Radiology (ACR) Breast Imaging Commission and sits on the ACR Board of Chancellors, and is also the Chair of the ACR Breast MRI Accreditation Committee. She is a past member of the American Cancer Society Eastern Division, Board of Directors, and a past member of the Board of Directors of Gilda’s Club. In addition, she sits on several medical advisory boards for breast imaging technology companies, radiology organizations, and peer review journals.

Within the local community, she has participated in radiology committees for several healthcare provider companies and is a volunteer for many community organizations and activities. In addition, Dr. Destounis frequently lectures to professional groups, nationally and internationally, on various subjects related to mammography, breast ultrasound, breast MRI, biopsy techniques, and new modalities such as elastography and digital breast tomosynthesis.

Eventos en los que participa

  • RM como método de escrutinio en pacientes con alto riesgo de cáncer de mama.
  • BI RADS en mamografía actualización
  • BIRADS en ultrasonido actualización
